(1) 實用心理學:
實用心理學課程學與教活動的設計以學生為本,讓學生認識有關的基礎理論和概念,從而培 養他們的共通能力,並建立他們對實用心理學的就業期望。學生在不同形式的活動有系統地認識不同的情境及體驗情境的複雜性以拓闊視野。學生從實踐中學習,在真實或模擬的工作環境中認識相關的要求,掌握基礎知識和技能,以便日後在相關的範疇內繼續升學。該課程的主要升學與與心理、社工和社會科學課程相關,有助同學將來從事有關社工、社福機構工作和心理學家等工作。
(3)Creative English – PR and Marketing Programme
The course places great emphasis on the use of different computer software programmes in communicative texts. Students are given opportunities to apply creative approaches to storytelling, dubbing, and language games to create a
variety of written and spoken persuasive texts in various business contexts. The enables students to use English creatively in the contexts of public relations and marketing through practice in different authentic contexts. Students
are expected to enhance the breadth and depth of their four language skills – listening, speaking, reading, and writing in ‘English language education’ through different genres which are beneficial to their pursuit of their further
studies and/or further employment.
(4) Applied Learning (Vocational English) – English Communication
In Applied Learning (Vocational English) – English Communication, activities are designed to enable students to understand fundamental theories and concepts, develop their generic skills, and address their career aspirations in different
professional and vocational fields. Different modes of activities are employed to provide students with a systematic understanding about the context and eye-opening opportunities to experience the complexity of the context. Students
acquire an understanding of the requirements, fundamental knowledge and skills essential for further learning within the area through learning-by-practising opportunities in an authentic or near-authentic environment.